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18 Months To 36 Months

The toddler years are a very critical period of time in early child development. A toddler’s mind is eager and their physical and sensory curiosity is boundless. Out of the house and often out of the crib, your toddler is ready to explore the greater world, even if their still-unsteady efforts give you palpitations! Since experimentation and play are how toddlers absorb new cognitive, physical, and sensory lessons, you want to make sure they learn those lessons in safety and with joy.

Feeding your toddler’s volcanic desire for learning is one of the primary goals of Mesa Verde Preschool's 24-month to 3-year-old program. We design our dedicated classrooms specifically for the active but maybe not-that-steady toddler so that they can explore freely and without worry. We supply toys and learning materials brilliantly designed to engage their interest and use their capacity for play in order to learn the concepts that will move them forward in cognitive, physical, sensory, or academic development.


During the years your child spends at MVP's toddler program, your child will mature in swift and wonderful ways:


  • Children will begin to potty train which will make them feel confident in themselves every time they go on the toilet as they know they can do it by themselves.


  • Language. An 18-month-old who enters our program will generally know only about a dozen words. By the age of three, toddlers will have gained a vast understanding of hundreds of words, speak many of them, and be able to ask questions, use less baby talk, and sing rhyming songs.


  • Motor Skills. An 18-month old generally walks well and can climb some obstacles. By the age of three, children can kick a ball, balance on one foot, start pedaling a tricycle, and walk up stairs. In terms of small motor skills, an 18-month-old will hold a cup, point to things, and perhaps put on his or her own hat. By the age of three, that same toddler will have learned to work door handles, buttons, bottle tops, and be able to draw decent shapes and maybe even letters with a pencil, crayon, or marker.


  • Independence. An 18-month old generally likes to stay near adults while playing. They depend on adults for much of their physical care. By three years old, that child demands more independence and will begin self-care such as dressing themselves and using the potty.


  • Social Skills. An 18-month old may play parallel to another child, but by three years old they will be learning the basics of sharing, taking turns, feeling empathy, and cooperative play.


To promote advancement through these early-childhood developmental milestones, the Mesa Verde Preschool (MVP) embraces and focuses on observational child-centered learning. By harnessing a child’s volcanic curiosity, our certified teachers act as guides, not lecturers, to urge these young students in the directions their interests naturally send them. Happy children learn best when they are doing exactly what they want to do.


But don’t imagine that child-centered learning means that the toddlers rule the roost in any chaotic way. A visit to our facilities will quickly show how calmly and effectively our certified teachers keep a sense of order in the classroom. They’re trained to handle toddler outbursts with love and understanding as well as turn conflicts between students into learning opportunities to help socialize the toddlers for cooperative play. Part of our program is to show children, by modeling good behavior, to respect themselves and each other. 


Curious to learn more?

Call us today to arrange for a tour and speak to our teachers about whether MVP’s infant program is right for your child.

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Website Design By: Alex Arreola


Mesa Verde Preschool

3013 Deodar Ave, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, USA

Phone (714) 513-1686

Fax (714) 513 1687

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